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The Adventures of Zed

Way to new home

The story follows Zed, a young dog who sets out on a journey to find a new home and loving owner after being abandoned. In "Chapter 1: New Orleans Beginnings," Zed is left alone in the city and decides to embark on his journey. In "Chapter 2: Setting Out," Zed travels through various towns and cities, eventually reaching Mobile, Alabama, in "Chapter 3: Mobile." In "Chapter 4: Sunshine State," Zed..
The story follows Zed, a young dog who sets out on a journey to find a new home and loving owner after being abandoned. In "Chapter 1: New Orleans Beginnings," Zed is left alone in the city and decides to embark on his journey. In "Chapter 2: Setting Out," Zed travels through various towns and cities, eventually reaching Mobile, Alabama, in "Chapter 3: Mobile." In "Chapter 4: Sunshine State," Zed arrives in Florida and meets an older woman who takes him in temporarily. In "Chapter 5: Survival Skills," Zed learns to fend for himself and survive on the streets. In "Chapter 6: Finding Comfort," Zed is reunited with the woman from Chapter 4, who introduces him to her friends and helps him find temporary shelter. In "Chapter 7: Final Destination," Zed arrives in Miami, the end of his journey. In "Chapter 8: A Chance Encounter," Zed meets Marla, who becomes his loving owner. Finally, in "Chapter 9: A Happy Ending," Zed finds a new home, makes new friends, and lives happily ever after with Marla. The story is a heartwarming tale of a dog's resilience and determination to find love and a place to call home, filled with memorable encounters and lessons learned along the way.
영어 동화책을 아마존 킨들에서 출간하여 활동중이고, 2023년 4월부터 유페이퍼에도 동일한 책을 등록하였습니다. 주로 동물이 주인공인 동화를 쓰고 있습니다. 필명은 Farrell Park 으로 아마존 킨들과 동일하게 사용합니다.

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